【報告名稱】:China Fruit (Vegetable) Juice & Beverage Market Review & Outlook 2011/2012 | |
【關 鍵 字】:
Fruit (Vegetable) Juice & Beverage Market |
【出版日期】:Dec/2012 | 【報告格式】:電子版或紙介版 |
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【Report Name】:China Fruit (Vegetable) Juice & Beverage Market Review & Outlook 2011/2012
【Report Code】:IG
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Analysis of Environment for Development of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in China in 2012
1.1 Macro Economic Environment in China
1.1.1 Development of Macro Economy in 2012
1.1.2 Forecast on Macro Economic Trend in 2013
1.2 Industrial Policy Environment
1.2.1 Trend of Industrial Policy and Impact
1.2.2 Other Relevant Policies
1.3 Technical Environment for the Industry
1.3.1 Domestic Technological Level
1.3.2 Scientific Innovation of the Industry
Chapter 2 Analysis of Current Status of Foreign Fruit Juices/drinks in Foreign Countries in 2012
2.1 Overview of Global Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industrial Development
2.2 Current Industrial Status of Key Countries
2.2.1 USA
2.2.2 Germany
2.2.3 UK
2.2.4 Japan
Chapter 3 Analysis of Upstream of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China in 2012
3.1 Fruit and Vegetable Planting
3.1.1 Fruit and Vegetable Production
3.1.2 Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
3.1.3 Changes of Fruit and Vegetable Prices
3.1.4 Fruit and Vegetable Import and Export
3.1.5 Fruit and Vegetable Processing
3.2 Sugar Manufacturing
3.2.1 Sugar Production
3.2.2 Sugar Consumption
3.2.3 Changes of Sugar Price
3.2.4 Sugar Import and Export
3.2.5 Sugar Replacers
3.3 Impacts from Upstream to Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry
3.3.1 Impact from Changes of Raw Material Production and Consumption at Upstream
3.3.2 Impact from Raw Material Price Change at Upstream
3.3.3 Changes of Composition of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
Chapter 4 Analysis of Supply and Demand for Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China in 2012
4.1 Demand for Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
4.1.1 Market Scale of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
4.1.2 Consumption of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
4.2 Market Features of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
4.3 Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
4.3.1 Overview of Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
4.3.2 Regional Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
4.3.3 Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
4.4 Prices for Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
4.4.1 Price
4.4.2 Cost Composition of Products
Chapter 5 Import and Export of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
5.1 Overview of Trade of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
5.2 Import and Export of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
5.2.1 Import and Export
5.2.2 Composition of Import and Export
5.2.3 Origins of Import and Export
5.3 Import and Export of Main Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
5.3.1 Frozen Orange Juice Import
5.3.2 Concentrated Apple Juice Export
Chapter 6 Competition of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in 2012
6.1 Competitors of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in 2012
6.1.1 Overview of Soft Drinks
6.1.2 Competition of Production
6.1.3 Profit Generation Ability of Competing Industries
6.1.4 Comparison Debt Paying Ability of Competing Industries
6.1.5 Operational Capacity of Competing Industries
6.1.6 Competitiveness of Competing Industries
6.1.7 Competitiveness of Fruit Juices/drinks and Other Soft Drinks
6.2 Market Competition of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2012
6.2.1 Market Trend of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks
6.2.2 Competition of Key Producing and Consuming Regions
6.2.3 Market Share of Key Companies/brands
Chapter 7 Analysis of Leading Players in Fruit/vegetable Juice/drinks Industry in China
7.1 Overview of Producers in 2012
7.2 Projects to Be Built and Being Built of Key Companies in 2012
7.3 Main Producers in 2012
7.3.1 Hangzhou Wahaha Group
7.3.2 Coca Cola Company
7.3.3 Pepsi Cola Company
7.3.4 Beijing Huiyuan Group
7.3.5 President Group
7.3.6 Ting Hsin (Master Kong) Group
7.3.7 Shaanxi Haisheng
7.3.8 Shandong Andrew
7.3.9 SDIC
7.3.10 Shaanxi Hengxing
Chapter 8 Outlook of the Trend of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in 2013
8.1 Upstream Supply of Fruit Juice in China in 2013
8.1.1 Raw Material Supply
8.1.2 Trend of Raw Material Price
8.2 Supply and Demand of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China in 2013
8.2.1 Production
8.2.2 Market Demand
8.3 Fluctuation of Price for Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China in 2013
8.4 China’s Import and Export of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in 2013
8.5 Risks of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in China and Investment Suggestions
8.5.1 Driving Forces for the Development of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in China
8.5.2 Negative Factors for the Development of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in China
8.5.3 Investment Suggestions
Annex Top 10 Incidents of Soft Drinks Industry in China in 2012
List of Figures
Fig 2-1 Global Sales Revenue and Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks, 2006-2012
Fig 2-2 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the World, 2012
Fig 2-3 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Main Regions of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the World, 2012
Fig 2-4 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the World, 2012
Fig 2-5 Sales Revenue and Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in USA, 2006-2012
Fig 2-6 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in USA, 2012
Fig 2-7 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Main Regions of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in USA, 2012
Fig 2-8 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in USA, 2012
Fig 2-9 Sales Revenue and Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Germany, 2005-2011, 2006-2012
Fig 2-10 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Germany, 2012
Fig 2-11 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Germany, 2012
Fig 2-12 Sales Revenue and Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in UK, 2006-2012
Fig 2-13 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the UK, 2012
Fig 2-14 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Regions of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the UK, 2012
Fig 2-15 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in the UK, 2012
Fig 2-16 Sales Revenue and Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Japan, 2005-2011, 2005-2012
Fig 2-17 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Japan, 2012
Fig 2-18 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Different Regions of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Japan, 2012
Fig 2-19 Proportion of Sales Revenue of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in Japan, 2012
Fig 3-1 Total Production and Acreage of Fruits in China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-2 Fruit Production by Variety in China, 2012
Fig 3-3 Per Capita Fruit Consumption in China, 2008-2012
Fig 3-4 Fruit Wholesale Price in China, 2008-2012
Fig 3-5 Trend of Price for Different Varieties of Fruits in China, 2008-2012
Fig 3-6 Import Quantity and Volume of Fruits to China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-7 Export Quantity and Volume of Fruits from China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-8 Distribution of Fruit Consumption in China, 2012
Fig 3-9 Fruit Consumption by Different Channels in China, 2005-2011
Fig 3-10 Comparison of Per Capita Consumption of Processed Fruits between China and USA, 2011
Fig 3-11 Sugar Production in China, 2005/06-2012/13
Fig 3-12 Sugar Consumption in China, 2005/06-2012/13
Fig 3-13 Per Capita Sugar Consumption in China, 2005/06-2012/13
Fig 3-14 Proportion of Sugar Consumption by Processing Industry in China, 2012
Fig 3-15 Producing Region – Wholesale Price for White Granulated Sugar in Nanning, 2005-2012
Fig 3-16 Wholesale Price for White Granulated Sugar in Main Consuming Regions in China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-17 Sugar Import Quantity to China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-18 Sugar Export Quantity from China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-19 Production and Consumption of Starch Sugar in China, 2005-2012
Fig 3-20 Saccharin Production and Estimate of Sales to Domestic Market, 2005-2012
Fig 3-21 Monthly Price Trend of Sugar and Frozen Orange Juice, 2005-2012
Fig 4-1 Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2005-2012
Fig 4-2 Proportion of Regional Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2012
Fig 4-3 Production of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2012
Fig 4-4 Production of 100% Pure Fruit/vegetable Juices in China, 2005-2012
Fig 4-5 Production of Medium/high-Concentration Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2005-2012
Fig 4-6 Production of Low-Concentration Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2005-2012
Fig 4-7 Production of Concentrated Fruit Juices (syrups) in China, 2005-2012
Fig 4-8 Market Share of Top 5 Fruit Juice Producers in Export Market and Industrial Concentration Level, 2011
Fig 4-9 Market Share of Top 5 Fruit Juice Producers in Export Market and Industrial Concentration Level, 2012
Fig 4-10 Monitoring of Monthly Price of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2008-2012
Fig 4-11 Composition of Product Cost of Key Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Producers in China, 2012
Fig 5-1 Import Quantity and Volume of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks to China, 2005-2012
Fig 5-2 Export Quantity and Volume of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks from China, 2005-2012
Fig 5-3 Import of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks to China, 2012
Fig 5-4 Export of Different Varieties of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks from China, 2012
Fig 5-5 Import Quantity and Price of Frozen Orange Juice to China, 2005-2012
Fig 5-6 Import of Frozen Orange Juice by Origin, 2012
Fig 5-7 Provincial Import of Frozen Orange Juice, 2012
Fig 5-8 Import Quantity of Frozen Orange Juice by Different Companies in China, 2008-2012
Fig 5-9 Export Quantity and Price of CAJ (concentrated Apple Juice) from China, 2005-2012
Fig 5-10 CAJ Export to Different Destinations, 2012
Fig 5-11 Provincial CAJ Export, 2012
Fig 5-12 CAJ Export Quantity by Company, 2008-2012
Fig 6-1 Production of Sub Sectors of Soft Drinks in China, 2005-2012
Fig 6-2 Comparison of Gross Sales Profit Rate of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2005-2012
Fig 6-3 Comparison of Debt Paying Capability Indices of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2005-2012
Fig 6-4 Comparison of Accounts Receivable Turnover of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2005-2012
Fig 6-5 Comparison of Total Assets Turnover of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2005-2012
Fig 6-6 Regional Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2005-2012
Fig 6-7 Proportion of Consumption of Various Types of Soft Drinks in Chengdu, China, 2012
Fig 6-8 Market Share of Key Companies of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2012
Fig 7-1 Development of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Producers in China, 2005-2012
Fig 7-2 Major Operational Indices of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Producers in China, 2005-2012
Fig 7-3 Trend of Major Financial Indices of Coca Cola (Dongguan), 2005-2011
Fig 7-4 Product Sales Revenue of Huiyuan Group and Changes of Composition, 2011-2012
Fig 7-5 Trend of Major Financial Indices of Beijing Huiyuan Group, 2005-2012
Fig 7-6 Trend of Major Financial Indices of President Group, 2005-2012
Fig 7-7 Trend of Major Financial Indices of Haisheng Group, 2005-2012
Fig 7-8 Trend of Major Financial Indices of Andrew Group, 2005-2012
Fig 7-9 Trend of Major Financial Indices of SDIC, 2005-2012
Fig 7-10 CAJ Production of Main Producers in China, 2012
Fig 8-1 Fruit Juice Raw Material Supply in China, 2005-2013
Fig 8-2 Trend of Price for Fruit Juice Raw Materials in China, 2005-2013
Fig 8-3 Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2005-2013
Fig 8-4 Trend of FOB Price for CAJ, 2005-2013
Fig 8-5 Import and Export Quantity of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks, 2005-2013
List of Tables
Table 3-1 Import Quantity and Volume of Different Varieties of Fruits, 2007-2012
Table 3-2 Export Quantity and Volume of Different Varieties of Fruits, 2007-2012
Table 3-3 Production of Different Varieties of Sugar in China, 2006/07-2011/12
Table 3-4 Provincial Cane Sugar Production, 2006/07-2012/13
Table 3-5 Provincial Beet Sugar Production, 2006/07-2012/13
Table 3-6 Sugar Consumption by Food Industry in China, 2007-2012
Table 3-7 Sugar Consumption by Key Processing Companies (soft drinks producers) in China, 2011
Table 3-8 National Sugar Supply and Demand, 2007/08-2012/13
Table 3-9 Sugar Import Quantity to China, 2007-2012
Table 3-10 Sugar Export from China, 2007-2012
Table 3-11 Production and Consumption of Starch Sugar in China, 2007-2012
Table 3-12 Top 20 Companies in Starch Sugar Production Capacity in China
Table 3-13 Saccharin Production and Consumption in China, 2007-2012
Table 3-14 Production of Other Main Replacers in China, 2007-2012
Table 4-1 Main Scale Indices of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Industry in China, 2007-2012
Table 4-2 Sub Companies of Leading Producers of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks and Their Layout in China, 2012
Table 4-3 Regional Production of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China, 2007-2012
Table 4-4 Representative Companies of 100% Pure Fruit/vegetable Juices in China,
Table 4-5 Representative Companies of Medium/low-Concentration Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks in China,
Table 4-6 Representative Companies of Concentrated Fruit Juice (syrup) in China
Table 4-7 Top 10 CAJ Producers in China, 2011
Table 5-1 Import of Different Categories of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks to China, 2011-2012
Table 5-2 Export of Different Categories of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks to China, 2011-2012
Table 5-3 Import of Frozen Orange Juice by Origin, 2011-2012
Table 5-4 Provincial Import of Frozen Orange Juice, 2011-2012
Table 5-5 Import Quantity of Frozen Orange Juice by Companies in China, 2011-2012
Table 5-6 Export of CAJ by Destination, 2011-2012
Table 5-7 Provincial Export of CAJ, 2008-2012
Table 5-8 CAJ Export Quantity by Companies, 2008-2012
Table 6-1 Scale of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry in China, 2011-2012
Table 6-2 Capital/labor Intensity of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry in China, 2011-2012
Table 6-3 Production and Sales of Soft Drinks Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-4 Cost of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-5 Profit Generation Status of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-6 Growing Potential of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-7 Profit Generation Ability of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-8 Debt Paying Ability of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-9 Operational Ability of Soft Drinks Manufacturing Industry, 2011-2012
Table 6-10 Comparison of Profit Generation Ability Indices of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2007-2012
Table 6-11 Comparison of Debt Paying Ability Indices of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2012
Table 6-12 Comparison of Operational Ability Indices of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2012
Table 6-13 Ranking of Various Indices of Top 20 Soft Drinks Producers in China, 2011
Table 6-14 Product Composition and Output of Top 20 Producers of Soft Drinks, 2011
Table 6-15 Comparison of Integrated Competitiveness of Soft Drinks Sub Sectors, 2012
Table 7-1 Main Operational Indices of Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Producers, 2007-2012
Table 7-2 List of Planned Projects and Projects Being Built by Fruit/vegetable Juices/drinks Producers in China, 2012
Table 7-3 Current Status and Various Indices of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-4 Output of Different Varieties of Products of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-5 Various Financial Indices of Hangzhou Wahaha Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-6 Various Indices of Coca Cola (Dongguan), 2010-2011
Table 7-7 Output of Different Varieties of Coca Cola (China), 2010-2011
Table 7-8 Output of Different Varieties of Coca Cola (Dongguan), 2010-2011
Table 7-9 Main Financial Indices of Coca Cola (China), 2010-2011
Table 7-10 Profit and Deficit Status of Coca Cola sub Companies, 2011
Table 7-11 Main Financial Indices of Coca Cola (Dongguan), 2010-2011
Table 7-12 Output of Different Varieties of Pepsi Cola (China), 2010-2011
Table 7-13 Main Financial Indices of Pepsi Cola (China), 2010-2011
Table 7-14 Profit and Deficit Status of Pepsi Cola sub Companies, 2011
Table 7-15 Various Indices of Beijing Huiyuan Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-16 Output of Different Varieties of Beijing Huiyuan Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-17 Main Financial Indices of Beijing Huiyuan Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-18 Various Indices of President Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-19 Output of Different Varieties of President Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-20 Main Financial Indices of President Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-21 Various Indices of Ting Hsin Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-22 Output of Different Varieties of Ting Hsin, 2010-2011
Table 7-23 Main Financial Indices of Ting Hsin, 2010-2011
Table 7-24 Various Indices of Shaanxi Haisheng Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-25 Output of Different Varieties of Shaanxi Haisheng Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-26 Main Financial Indices of Shaanxi Haisheng Group, 2010-2011
Table 7-27 Various Indices of SDIC, 2010-2011
Table 7-28 Output of Different Varieties of SDIC, 2010-2011
Table 7-29 Main Financial Indices of SDIC, 2010-2011
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