Chinais a main packagingcountry in the world, the growth potential ofChina's packaging industry, strongability to absorb employment, high degree of industrial linkage, is playing amore and more important role in national economy and social development. The economicoutput of plastic packaging has accounted for more than 30%.
Chinapackaging industry totaleconomic output in 2014 reached RMB1400 billion.Chinaranks as the world’s Secondlargest packaging market. In future, the market development space for packageproducts is huge.
There were 18 listed packagingcompanies in 2015, innovation played a more important role in operation. Thescale of packaging company will extend, industrial concentration would befurther enhanced.
1) The Aim of this report
n To provide readers with comprehensive & in-depthunderstanding ofChina’spackaging industry;
n To understand the development situation of packagingindustry inChina;
n Get more information of the major packaging producers inChina;
n Gain insight into the major packaging producers aboutoperation;
n To predict what future ofChinapackaging industry will be;
n To reveal opportunities inChinapackaging industry.
2) Benefit from the report
n Financial performance in 2015 and YoY changes, including revenue,operating profit, net profit, revenue and gross profit margin from packagingbusiness;
n Changes of revenue and net profit in the latest five yearsand the reasons;
n Adjustment to business structure in the recent 2-3 years;
n Development strategy and development trends in the nearfuture.
3) Deliverables
PDF-format report, with around 30-50 pages.
4) Time needed
Threeworking days needed.
Part | Contents |
1 | Executive summary |
2 | Ranking of main listed domestic packaging enterprises in 2015 |
2.1 | List ofChina’s listed packaging enterprises |
2.2 | By revenue |
2.3 | By net profit |
2.4 | By total assets |
2.5 | By revenue and gross profit margin of packaging business |
2.6 | By operating profit |
2.7 | By primary earnings per share |
3 | Analysis of listed packaging enterprises |
3.1 | Shanghai Zijiang Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. |
3.2 | ORG Packaging Co., Ltd. |
3.3 | Shanghai Baosteel Packaging Co., Ltd. |
3.4 | Xiamen Hexing Packaging Printing Co., Ltd. |
3.5 | ShengXing Group Co., Ltd. |
3.6 | MYS Group Co., Ltd. |
3.7 | Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd. |
3.8 | Huangshan Novel Co., Ltd. |
3.9 | Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprise Co., Ltd. |
3.10 | Shanghai Luxin Packing Materials Science and Technology Co., Ltd. |
3.11 | Shandong Lipeng Co., Ltd. |
3.12 | Shenzhen Beauty Star Co., Ltd. |
3.13 | Suzhou Huayuan Packaging Co., Ltd. |
3.14 | Shangdong Huapeng Glass Co., Ltd. |
3.15 | Shanghai Xintonglian Packaging Co., Ltd. |
3.16 | Shenzhen Prince New Materials Co., Ltd. |
3.17 | Kee Ever Bright Decorative Technology Co., Ltd. |
3.18 | Shanghai Haishun New Pharmaceutical Packaging Co., Ltd. |
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